Expand restorative treatments with iTero scanners™.

iTero scanners have always driven restorative capabilities forward, powering over 16 million restorations through an innovative open system, integrated advanced diagnostic tools that support patient diagnosis, and continuous commitment to improved speed, accuracy, and scanning experience.

Grow your practice with iTero.

With increased Invisalign® treatments:

More Cases1

  • +7 in 1 year
  • +16 in 2 years
  • +28 in 3 years

Rapid return on investment2

  • iTero scanner can pay for itself in < 1 year

Increase revenue3

  • $154,000 in 3 years  

With NIRI technology:

Surveyed doctors who used an iTero Element 5D scanner in their practice reported that they increased:

  • Interproximal caries detection by 56%4
  • Business revenue by 34%5
  • Patient acceptance by 71%6

iTero NIRI technology, an interproximal caries detection tool you can trust7.

An article from a new clinical study validating the significant benefits of the iTero Element 5D imaging systems as an aid in detection and monitoring of interproximal caries found the technology:


  • is comparable to bitewing x-rays (BWX) in aiding the detection and diagnosis of interproximal caries lesions above the gingiva8.
  • was 66% more sensitive than bitewing x-ray for proximal lesions detection9.


“The iTero scanner has truly transformed my entire practice.”

Dr. Christina Blacher, General Practitioner
Allan, Texas

Open system, opening up treatment potential.

Turn scans into plans more efficiently with the iTero scanner open system that enables connectivity across leading CAD/CAM  software, dental labs and chairside production tools.

Open STL format of iTero scans gives you complete interoperability with your restorative workflows.

Enhance your chairside capabilities – iTero scans work with milling machines and in-office 3D printers.

Faster scans, more accurate results.

Save time with an enhanced scanning experience in which users can move 50% faster and rotate 25% faster during scanning compared with previous software versions. iTero Element scans are accurate and quick, having scientifically proven accuracy for your clinical restorative needs.

Do more with just one scan.

NIRI Technology

Detect and monitor interproximal caries above the gingiva in real time.


Get a comprehensive view of how a patient’s bite is functioning.


Combine scans to visualize change in condition over time.

3D IO Camera

See each tooth in detail with a wide-angle view of the scanning area.

Increase productivity in your lab using the iTero-exocad Connector

Doctors can share external case-related files with the lab via the MyiTero™ portal, so the lab will have every file in a single, secure channel to jumpstart each case. Labs designing cases with  exocad™ DentalCAD software gain unique capabilities, enabling easier collaboration and highly aesthetic restorations that will please patients.

Create Rx and upload files

Upload videos, images, X-rays and other external case-related files.

Share automatically-integrated iTero™ intraoral camera and iTero™ NIRI (Near Infra-Red Imaging) images.

Send Rx and files to your lab

Lab receives Rx and files in one submission and begins design. 

Your lab can validate margins and design esthetic restorations.


Review design from lab

Approve your lab’s CAD designs on the MyiTero™ portal before production.

Learn more

Expand advanced treatment capabilities

See how iTero scanners can aid in efficiently diagnosing, planning, and treating a wide range of complex restorative cases in our “Simplifying the complex” series.

  1. Data on file at Align Technology, as of June 30, 2021
  2. Accuracy defined as a combination of trueness and precision tested on different substrates, under different lighting conditions, for crown preparation and full-arch scanning. Based on the results of 12 peer-reviewed papers 2018-2020. Data on file at Align Technology, as of November 20, 2020.
  3. Compared with previous software versions.Data on file at Align Technology, as of March 29, 2021.
  4. With iTero Element scanners, full mouth scans can be completed in as little as 60 seconds. Based on 40 iRecord scanning sessions with average scan time of 53,2 seconds (20 on DC power / 20 on battery) by 1 experienced person scanning." to "Based on a survey in May of 2019 of n = 15 practitioners who participated in a global limited market release, working with iTero Element 5D for an average period of 6 months, representing both GPs and Orthos in CAN, EU and APAC, who were presented with a level of agreement scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree with the following statement: “Incorporating the iTero Element 5D scanner into my current diagnostic protocol, I’ve diagnosed a higher number of interproximal caries above the gingiva, on my patients at my practice”, and then asked to estimate the average increase. Data on file at Align Technology, as of November 15, 2019.
  5. Based on a survey in May of 2019 of n = 15 practitioners who participated in a global limited market release, working with iTero Element 5D for an average period of 6 months, representing both GPs and Orthos in CAN, EU and APAC, who were presented with a level of agreement scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree with the following statement: “Incorporating the iTero Element 5D scanner into my current diagnostic protocol, I experienced an increase in treated interproximal caries cases on my patients at my practice”, and then asked to estimate the average increase in revenue for the practice. Data on file at Align Technology, as of November 15, 2019.
  6. Based on a survey in May of 2019 of n = 15 practitioners who participated in a global limited market release, working with iTero Element 5D for an average period of 6 months, representing both GPs and Orthos in CAN, EU and APAC, who were presented with a level of agreement scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree with the following statement: “Incorporating the iTero Element 5D scanner into my current diagnostic protocol,, I experienced an increase in the number of accepted caries treatments by my patients at my practice”, and then asked to estimate the average increase. Data on file at Align Technology, as of November 15, 2019.
  7. Based on a multisite clinical study conducted in real-world settings using iTero NIRI technology (Near Infra-red imaging) (n= 5,796 proximal tooth surfaces with 3,502 posterior proximal tooth surfaces in 102 patients ) as a tool in aiding in detection and diagnosis of interproximal caries above the gingiva. Data on file at Align Technology, as of February 10, 2021.
  8. Based on a multisite clinical study conducted in real-world settings comparing iTero NIRI technology (Near Infra-red imaging) of the iTero Element 5D to bite-wing x-rays (BWX) (n= 3,502 posterior proximal tooth surfaces out of 5,796 proximal surfaces in 102 patients) as a tool in aiding in detection and diagnosis of interproximal caries above the gingiva. Data on file at Align Technology, as of February 10, 2021.
  9. Based on a subset of 59 cases where iTero Element 5D imaging system was compared against the clinical evaluation of posterior proximal carious lesions above the gingiva as observed during caries debridement, reported as part of a multisite clinical study conducted in real world settings comparing iTero NIRI technology (Near Infra-red imaging) of the iTero Element 5D imaging system to bite-wing x-rays (BWX) (n= 3,502 posterior proximal tooth surfaces out of 5,796 proximal surfaces in 102 patients) as a tool in aiding in detection and diagnosis. Data on file at Align Technology, as of September 2, 2021.
  10. Monthly, hourly, daily are estimates only based on total scaner per year of 21,689,907 in 2021. Data on file at Align Technology, as of December 31, 2021.

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